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About us

Dharmashop.com Travels | Kathmandu Nepal-HD from Dharmashop.com on Vimeo.
Dharmashop.com went online in November of 1999. We started with just a few items, then after a family trip to Nepal, DharmaShop founder Sander Cohen dedicated the website to supporting Himalayan Artists. Christy Cohen joined DharmaShop full time in 2002 and the small business started growing. 
DharmaShop is different, we support artisans directly, we travel to Nepal every year to maintain relationships and make sure our sourcing is ethical and sustainable.  We never buy from Chinese factories or street vendors.  We go directly to the artists themselves. 
Our goal is to build not just a customer base, but a community online that supports the Tibetan, Newar, and Nepalese people. We donate a percentage of profits to Tibetan charities and in 2012 we partnered with the Himalayan Children's Charities to support school children in the Kathmandu Valley. In 2006 we joined The Tibetan Nun's Project to support ordained women living in exile.
Christy is a Master Gardener, artist, and yoga practitioner who also loves to volunteer at our son's school when she's not working in the office or making jewelry for DharmaShop.
Sander is a licensed pilot, musician, volleyball coach and runner and enjoys fixing old watches, riding motorcycles and traveling as much as possible. 
Our son, Carter, is 11 and he loves to swim, play soccer, volleyball, basketball, and read anything and everything.  He collects carnivorous plants and bugs and hopes to, one day, have a live jellyfish or snake.  He is working on becoming a black belt in Isshinryu karate as well.
We live in Michigan with our cats Katsu and Tempura.  We recently adopted a sweet Pit Bull mix, Cheppu, that fills our home with even more love and silliness. Although we lost our last greyhound 2 years ago, We continue to support greyhound rescue and pet adoption organizations.
Thanks for being a part of our community!
Sander and Christy Cohen
May the frightened cease to be afraid
And those bound be freed.
May the powerless find power
And may people think of benefiting each other.

- H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama



Buying directly from artisans in Nepal and Thailand.
Since 1999 Sander and Christy Cohen have been traveling to Nepal and Thailand to buy directly from Tibetan, Newar, and Nepalese artisans.  Our staff in Nepal visit the artisans frequently and provide them with supplies and pay them in advance for their work.  As jobs are hard to come by in Nepal, DharmaShop continues to grow and strengthen our network of artists in the Kathmandu Valley.  We directly purchase from 3rd generation statue makers, carpet weavers and prayer flag producers.


Dharmashop Nepal Earthquake Response: Donate Here

For 16 years we have been traveling to Kathmandu Nepal and have many co-workers and family in Nepal. Our offices, staff and artisans are in Kathmandu and we are in contact with them continuously. The relief efforts from this disaster are going to be ongoing for some time. Dharmashop.com has already donated thousands to mercycorps.org to provide food and water as well as shelter and medical care to those who need it in Nepal. We will also be donating continuously to Nepal relief funds until the crisis is over. Please consider giving to these trusted organizations and keep Nepal in your thoughts.

Our mission is to support Tibetan, Newar, and Nepalese artisans and continue to find a market for their hand crafted goods.  We also assist Tibetan and human rights charities with direct financial support.

Many people ask us why our products do not come from Tibet.  It is not an easy answer.  Tibet is not free.  The products sold and made in what was once a free Tibet are often made in Chinese factories and none of the revenue benefits Tibetans.  We employ Tibetan, Newar, and Nepalese artisans who have been involved in creating traditional items for generations.  Our goal is to ensure that these traditional crafts remain viable in the 21st century and beyond by continuing to find markets for these traditional goods.  Please visit the sites below to find out how you can help Tibetans in Tibet and living in exile. 


Dear Members of the Dharma Shop,
On behalf of the Board of Directors of The Tibet Fund, thank you so much for sponsorship donation to support monk Lobsang Dorjee, code #16002 at Sera Jhe Monastery in South India.
Your support will make a big difference in the life of your sponsored monk Lobsang, both now and in the future.  By becoming a sponsor, you are ensuring that he will have healthy meals, adequate healthcare and a solid education to fulfill his dream of following a spiritual path that will someday contribute to peace in the world.
Kindly find attached personal biography of your sponsored monk.   Please use his name and code numbers for all future correspondence. Ifyou have any questions about him, please contact Geshe Karma Gelek/Director at: sjhcc@yahoo.co.uk
For more information about Sera Jhe Monastery, please visit their site www.serajhehealth.org
Postal mail to:    Lobsang Dorjee, code #16002
                                C/o Geshe Karma Gelek/Director
(Community & Social Development Undertaking)
PO Bylakuppe-571104, Mysore Dist.,(K.S.) India.
Office Tel no. 0091 8223 258672/258388

Again, thank you for your kind support of needy Tibetan refugee monk in India.
With best wishes,
The Tibet Fund





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