DharmaShop has been operating remotely since March 16th. Our 5 office team members are working from their homes while one team member at a time handles the shipping department. This allows for the safest possible environment as they remain the only person in the office/warehouse. This eliminates the possibility for any infection and in office spread.
We have delivered hazard pay to each of our employees in order to cover any undue costs associated with working from home and to encourage spending or charity within our community. We offer unlimited leave and any support necessary in order for our employees and their families to remain healthy.
We have been in constant touch with our artisans in Nepal and continue to place orders so they are able to work as soon as their stay home order is lifted, and they feel comfortable doing so. For now, the general sentiment is they are enjoying spending time with their families and the beautiful spring Kathmandu weather.
DharmaShop has worked with the USPS since we started shipping parcels in 1999. We have formed a great relationship with our local office and will continue to support the USPS through this pandemic. We hope you do the same, as they are truly putting themselves on the line to keep our country connected and moving forward. There will be some delays when it comes to delivery, but please refer to the tracking we provide, and if there are any questions feel free to contact us via phone or email. The less calls and support the USPS has to give the better.
We are doing everything in our power to continue being the DharmaShop our customers look towards and rely on, even in the midst of the pandemic. We can still be reached by phone and email and will continue to get your orders out to you ASAP. If you have any further questions, concerns, or comments please feel free to reach out!
Thank you,
Team DharmaShop
Please refer to the CDC for any questions regarding Covid-19 and how to keep yourself, family, and community safe: