Our Artists
Buying directly from artisans in Nepal and Thailand.
Since 1999 Sander and Christy Cohen have been traveling to Nepal and Thailand to buy directly from Tibetan, Newar and Nepalese artisans. Our staff in Nepal can visit the artisans frequently and provide them with supplies and pay them in advance for their work. As jobs are hard to come by in Nepal, Dharmashop continues to grow and strenghen our network of artists in the Kathmandu Valley. We directly purchase from 3rd generation statue makers, carpet weavers and prayer flag producers.
Shiksya - Knitting & Wool Shikysa is an inspiring woman in the community of Patan. Her time was divided between being a homemaker and a farmer. With an exceptional talent of knitting, she would occasionally knit woolen gloves and sell them to her neighbors. She now helps train other women to knit as their work can help them lead an independent life. She has over 8 women working with her in her group. |
Kopan Nunnery Incense Handmade high in the Himalayas by the nuns of the Kopan Nunnery as part of their practice. All proceeds from the production of this incense goes to support the nuns and the surrounding community. |
Lungta House Nepal In March, we visited our Prayer Flag artisans in the Kathmandu Valley and were once again in awe of their traditional, handmade methods. Shop their collection below and make sure to watch a short clip of their process. |
Bir Bahadur Tama - Malas Bir lives in Bijeshwori, Kathmandu and owns a home based business. He has a vision to employ as many artisans as possible to help them work independently and march towards sustainable living. |
Sabina Sijakhu Sabina learned the art of drawing and painting at a young age. She is a dedicated and focused artisan who brings products to life with her impeccable painting skills. Hailing from Thimi, Bhaktapur, she was inspired by the arts and crafts of the ancient city. With her interest in wood works, ancient painting techniques and pottery, she decided that she wanted to bring colorful expression to whatever she sees. |
WILD EARTH NEPAL "Sustain your Body, Sustain the Earth"
We could feel something special the moment we first walked through the doors of this shop - just watch the video we captured below. Handcrafted, small batch soaps made using a generations old cold-process method. |